Sunday, September 7, 2008

Through My lens ~ Guess!

Can you guess what are these?
Let me know what do you think about the above picture

About photo: taken in bright sunlight without flash.
Camera: Sony Cybershot DSC-P100 5.1 mp

"Through my lens" is a new series of food photography. An idea to portray beautiful things I indulge in every day life and share the moments with my friends and visitors to my blog. This series will primarily focus on food and things related to it.


Sree said...

either walnuts with shells.. or tinesina plum ginjalu ;)

Anonymous said...

Its Almonds !!!!

Aparna said...

Peach stones/ seeds.

Sia said...

thats a lovely pic padma... i think they r the seeds of peach or nectarine :)

Srivalli said...

Great shot..walnuts?

Rachel said...

Peach seed

Nupur said...

Unshelled almonds?

Shillu said...


Cynthia said...

Hmmmm, looks like some kind of nuts

Cham said...

Almonds !

A_and_N said...

I know the hindi name for this : Akhrot

Soujanya said...

Plum seeds :)

Btw, 'Through my lens' is a cool idea!!!

raaji said...

I guess they are walnuts.....

raaji said...

nice work padma....i liked your dishes.....this is my first come i missed such a beautiful site.....

myspicykitchen said...

almonds with shell

Susan said...

Almonds in their shells.

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