Monday, July 21, 2008

Cherry Rose Rolls

Impressive appearance matched only by their delicious flavor

Baking is an art and I am still a learner. In India we never owned an oven to try all those baking goodies at home. If we felt like eating cakes, breads, delicious pastries and rolls we used to depend on small bakeries in our town. I remember when I was in 12th standard Monginis was the first ever brand name in baking I knew of! So after coming to land of opportunities[US], baking is one amongst other few arts which I learned here. More on how I used my oven when I was new to it, you can read it from here.

I slowly gained momentum in baking all the goodies and well but consider myself still at a learning stage only. Last week I brought some books on baking from our local library. Cherry rose rolls caught my eyes while browsing out for some new recipes from the Sourdough Cookbook by Rita Davenport. For more on
Baking with the Sourdough, I will draft few points from this book and post it separately for all Enthusiastic Bakers. Keep watching!!

Here are some snaps on 'The making of Cherry Rose Rolls'

Kneading the dough

Shaping the rolls

let them rise!

Making indentations

Spooning the cherry filling

Source: The Sourdough Cookbook by Rita Davenport
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 3 hours
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Makes 24 to 30 rolls
Serves: 10-12
3/4 C milk

1 envelope active dry yeast (1T)

1/2 C water

1 C sourdough starter

1/2 C butter or margarine, melted
1/2 C granulated sugar

1-1/2 teaspoons salt

3 to 4 C all-purpose flour

1 (21 oz) can cherry pie filling

For decorating:
1 C powdered sugar

1 t vanilla extract
1 T milk

  • In a small saucepan, heat 3/4 cup milk almost to a boil over medium heat. Do not boil. Set aside to cool 10 minutes.
  • Sprinkle yeast over water, set aside to soften 5 minutes.
  • In a large bowl, combine sourdough starter, cooled milk, softened yeast mixture, butter or margarine, granulated sugar and salt. Stir in enough flour to make a soft dough.Turn on to a lightly floured surface. Clean and grease bowl; set aside.
  • Knead dough 5 to 8 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Add more flour if necessary. Place dough in a greased bowl, turning to grease all side. Cover with plastic wrap. Place in refrigerator 2 hours or overnight.
  • Grease a large baking sheet; set aside. Punch down dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Divide dough into 24-30 equal pieces.
  • Gently roll each piece between your hands to a 12-inch rope. On prepared baking sheet, loosely coil each rope, tucking end of rope under coil.
  • Leave 2 inches between coiled ropes. Cover with a cloth and set in a warm place free from drafts. Let rise 1 to 2 hours or until doubled in size.
  • Preheat oven to 400F (205C). Press the center of each roll with your fingers until you touch baking sheet. Make indentations about 1 inch wide.
  • Spoon cherry pie filling into each indentation. Bake in preheated oven 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Remove from baking sheet, cool on a rack.
  • For decorating, In a small bowl, combine powdered sugar, vanilla and 1tablespoon milk, Beat until smooth. Spoon into a pastry bag. Decorate rolls by pressing mixture through a tip with small opening.

This weekend (19th July 2008) we went to Dorney's Park near Allentown, PA. It has both Wildwater Park and Amusement Park. We thoroughly enjoyed and had aches and sores by the end of the day! I took these rolls for snacking and everyone in our group enjoyed having them. So, its a nice picnic snack too!

I am sending this to Bread Baking day - Small breads event started by Zorra and hosted by Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen

And to Susan for YeastSpotting

more baking from my kitchen:
Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins
Amish Zucchini Bread
Banana Chocolate chip Muffins


Mallika said...

You are a total professional woman! These look superb. I do have fond memories of Monginis myself...

uvrao said...

those rolls are scrumptious.... i wish i could grab one from your blog....;)
I have something for you in my blog...:) enjoy......

bee said...

it's sooo long since i visited your blog, and look what i see!!! beautiful rolls and pics.

meeso said...

Those are really pretty, you did such a nice job!

Usha said...

You have done a wonderful job with these rolls,great effort,it looks delicious :)

Mishmash ! said...

they look like pretty brides maids :)

Cham said...

Wow, what else can i say? I am speechless... So delectable rolls, they look awesome.
First time, but glad to land it here :)

Sireesha said...

Cheery rose rolls are sooooo awesome and tempting....Great effort.....I am drooling now.....

Sagari said...

rolls look beautiful padma

Uma said...

wow, those rolls look like real roses. What a delicious recipe! Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a nice blog too with so many yummy andhra specials.

zorra said...

Fantastic! Your an artist!

Laavanya said...

Yaay.. padma you are back! What beautiful looking rolls these are - they absolutely do look like roses. Yummy.

As for your qn about replacing spinach in Spanokopita.. i'm not sure if how other greens would work - sorry... but maybe you can give it a try.

Suganya said...

You are back to blogging. I missed your pics Padma. Don't vanish once again.

srikars kitchen said...

wow.... fantastic.....rolls look beautiful padma

Aparna said...

These look beautiful, Padma. I've seen fruit in bread, but fruit on bread is new for me. Well, I'm learning all the time.:)
Thanks for the entry.

Shreya said...

Oh those are so beautiful. What a lovely colour! great step by step pic demo! love this...

Susan/Wild Yeast said...

These rolls are so colorful and festive! Thank you for sending them to YeastSpotting.

Cinnamon said...

Wow Padma... I have thought u r still not out of vacation mood.... but my god, i see that u have started the full fledged blogging again :-)
These rolls look very yummy and lovely!!!

Amu... said...

Hey Padma
Can I have one...????
Great looking rolls there Girl..:-)

Madam Chow said...

These look fantastic! Beautiful rolls and photos!

Reeni said...

Those look absolutely divine! I'm inspired to whip up something with the fresh blueberries I have.

Cynthia said...

Padma! I am completely bowled over by the beauty of these rolls. You have expertly replicated the recipe!

Vcuisine said...

This is something tempting me really to try. Very nice. Viji

Sunshinemom said...

My God! Your rolls are breath taking, Padma! Love them:)

Lien said...

Oh wow these rolls look divine!!! Great job

Lysy said...

These look amazing! I saw the picture on the BBD roundup and had to come and have a look at how they were made!

Jude said...

What an awesome way to present this bread. I love the amount of detail that goes into your posts.

Rumela said...

Wow! this cheery rose rolls looks so scrumptious with the picture, I'm sure it'll be a big hit with the kids! Although I'm to a big fan of cheery rose rolls, this sure looks yummy! I'm normally the one that will say no to rose rolls. thank you for shearing your post.

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