Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Homemade Roasted Red Peppers


Enjoy the succulent sweetness of a freshly roasted pepper prepared at home. Roasted peppers are a wonderful thing and easy to make. I brought few red peppers this time when I visited my local farmer's market. After drooling over Lisa's Corn and Roast pepper soup , I fumbled upon this link from her post on how to roast peppers at home.

  1. Preheat the oven to broiler. I took 3 red peppers, wash the peppers but leave them whole its recommended to use 2 tsps of canola oil for each pepper. They may be rubbed with any cooking oil but not olive oil as it has low smoke point.
  2. Coat each pepper evenly with oil using your pastry brush or hands and arrange the peppers on a baking sheet and place the sheet on the highest rack of your oven, close to the broiler.
  3. Keep a watchful eye on the peppers to ensure that they do not become too scorched. When dark splotches begin to appear on the peppers, remove the baking sheet from the oven and carefully turn each pepper over.
  4. The peppers will be hot, so use tongs or any other kitchen gadget to turn them and return under the broiler for roasting.
  5. When the tops of the pepper appear to begin darken remove from the oven and place them in a large bowl and immediately cover it with a lid or plastic wrap. Let is sit for a while till the peppers are cooked in its own steam for about 15-20 mins or so.
  6. Once cool they are easy to handle, gently peel the skin which will be loose by now and remove its stem, core and seeds.
  7. Lay flat on the surface and cut into desired stripes and store it in container along with the liquid/juice and also add few tsps of olive oil (optional) . Refrigerate them as shown in the picture and roasted peppers are ready for use in sandwiches, salads, antipasto platter and rest is up to your imagination.
  8. For pictorial version check here and for more tips on roasting peppers check here and here
Stored in refrigerator


Saju said...

Padma, they look so good, and you make it sound so easy.
I hope to bottle some roasted red peppers.

Asha said...

Ooh! This is great idea if it works well Padma. Sometimes, when you can buy them for cheap, I could use this recipe.Thanks P:))

Laavanya said...

I got some red peppers on sale last weekend.. I've made roasted peppers before but never bottled them for use later. Hope to try this Padma. Looks good.

Bong Mom said...

Looks so very good, you make me want to try it though am not a bell pepper fan

Lisa said...

I'm glad my post inspired you to make your own roasted peppers! Did you get a chance to try the soup yet?

DK said...

wow! i was not aware of this process...at all..sounds like a v good idea!

Rajitha said...

Padma..looks so good! i usually buy them from the store..i will try it this way..

TheCooker said...

Great idea.

Padma said...

I have yet to tried that soup Lisa, but thanks to your post, I tried my hands on roasted peppers this time. Will try the soup soon n will let u know

Dhivya, Rajitha and the cooker, thanks for your wonderful comments, before Lisa posts even I was not knowing that roasting peppers at home was so easy....thanks for ur time sweeties!

Mansi said...

I just thought of making these yesterday padma!! and here you have them posted:) great telepathy! they look really nice:)

Anonymous said...

hi there , just a question what is the liquid you add to the roasted peppers for storing them, i just love having this with sandwiches and i am sure it would be much better than the store bought ones.

Padma said...

Hey Manasi thanks for dropping by and yeah what a coincidence, do post ur version too...would love to see it!

Kribha the liquid which I am referring to is the pepper juice which we get once they are cooled down, so store them in their released juice and also add olive oil on top juz like you add for Indian pickles.

Store in fridge and will last for a month or so..

Suganya said...

Very well done and posted, Padma. I use brown paper bags to sweat the peppers. They work better than bowl+wrap and the peel come off easily.

Tee said...

Looks good, Padma! I have seen this procedure so many times on TV but I am just too lazy to do it myself ;)

Sharmi said...

A good reference recipe Padma and nice pics too.

TBC said...

Nicely done, Padma.
I always have a jar of these in my refrigerator. Have never tried making it though.

Siri said...

Nice way to store the peppers Padma..:) bhale bhale..

Redchillies said...

Hey Padma, hugs to oyu as well :-). You come up with so many unique recipes.

Padmaja said...

Padma!! that jar of red peppers looks absolutely delicious and btw please tell me when do u use them?

East Meets West Kitchen said...

I love roasted red peppers, and now I'm tempted to make my own little jar. :)

VegeYum said...

I love roast peppers. They are so easy. Once you have done them a few times you get the hang of it. I will often peel them under running water - it helps the skin to come off.

Sometimes I will cut the pepper into strips and then char grill on a char grill pan on the stove. It achieves the same end result.

I would never have enough left over to bottle! :-) I use them particularly in salads and antipasto. Yum.Thanks for posting this.

VegeYum said...

Oh, I was thinking some more about cooking the peppers and I wondered whether you have ever cooked eggplant by placing it directly over the gas ring, turning it several times, and cooking it until it collapses in on itself? It is a wonderful way to cook it, and the flesh has a wonderful smokey taste.


Siri Kilambi said...

wow Padma...I am imagining putting one of these in my mouth......would love to have it as a side dish dear.....

Apple said...

Nice idea Padma...they look bright and colorful...

Richa said...

hey, those roasted peppers look yum :) guess what, i still have red peppers in my backyard, am thinking should make some of this ;)

Happy Cook said...

Padma What a clever idea.
I have never made them at home thinking they were so difficult to make.

Swaroopa said...

Padma! where do i use these? but gr8 pics.

Shivapriya said...

I always make roasted peppers at home. they come handy:)

Sig said...

What a great idea... those must come handy for so many recipes! I came here for the non-veg recipe you promised though, where is it? :D

Sreelu said...

Padma, chala bagundi great idea.I love roasted pepper, especially ela store cheste inka easy otherwise it takes appox 1hr to get it roasted and stuff

Sia said...

i have one big jar of these in my fridge padma:)

Lissie said...

the peppers look so attractive! a great way of preserving!!

ptkahuna said...

I made the roasted red peppers. Made too many to eat for a while. How do I store them to keep them from spoiling? How long will they stay?

Padma said...

@ PTKahuna...
Pack them in Olive oil or vinegar and store them in an air tight container and refrigerated it!

Hope I have answered your queries...

Rama said...

Hey Padma I was going through your roasted red pepper recepie and it looks great.I was confused abt the juices...how did u get the juice to store the peppers.I love ur recepies and tried out a few... I am from Vizag too.

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