Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Through My Lens ~ Few guessed it right

Through my lens ~ guess......

Remember I asked 10 days back about the photo I posted in Through my lens ~ Guess! Yeah.... those are peach pits/seeds! Many thought they were Walnuts, Almonds, Akhrot etc etc...

Only Aparna, Sia and Rachel were able to guess it correctly! Now here is a close up look at these Peach Pits.

Peach Pits

Coming soon Peach Jam, stay tuned!!!


Cham said...

That show how good i am in guessing game :) Waiting for ur jam... said...

Ha hA! Good pic!

As kids we used to smash the pits and inside there is a 'almond' like seed :-))

more bitter, but edible! Only kids could have eaten it :-P

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